Our man in Marseille

Remember this?

For a few months now I've been trying to have a random slideshow of images. I used to do this either with kscreensaver, which for completely different reasons I can't use now, or xscreensavers' glslideshow, which, even when I compiled it by hand, I can't find the way to give it the root dir of the images. So, based on OMIT, I developed my own.

The differences with OMIT are minimal. It has to scan the whole tree for finding the appropriate files (its definition of "appropriate" could be improved, it's true); it goes into full screen mode with black background; and it (more) properly handles EXIF rotation1. All that in 176 LOCs, including proper licensing (GPLv3), and developed in one day and refined the next one.

One interesting thing I found out is that pyexiv2 is deprecated, with is last release in 2011 (!!!). What this new app uses is its recommended replacement, gexiv2.

So, there you are. Like OMIT, it's in PyQt4, but this time in Python3 (that's why I used gexiv2 instead). Its TODO includes porting it to PyQt5 and a few other things. You can grab it here. I plan to do a proper release soon, but for the moment just drop it in your PATH and be happy with it.

  1. http://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2012/07/28/exif-orientation-handling-is-a-ghetto/