ayrton 0.4.1

Last night I released ayrton v0.4 and v0.4.1. Here's the combined changelog:

  • Fixed the release.ay script that prematurely released v0.4.
  • >= can redirect stderr to stdout.
  • o(option=argument) can be used to declare keyword params among/before positional ones.
  • bash() now returns a single string if there is only one result.
  • Slightly better error reporting: don't print a part of the stacktrace that belongs to ayrton itself. There is still more to do.
  • No longer depends on sh.

It's not too long, but that last item and a 2 week vacation made this a quite long release time: about 3 months. Getting rid of sh means that the capture of a command's output is no longer buffered, and that we can launch all kinds of TUI programs, notably editors and such.

Still, it's quite far from being stable enough; I still have to think about how the remote() API should be; really implement pipes between two and three commands; think if ayrton should, and how to, autodetect what the user wants to do with the executable (does he want the output? foreground, background? what if there's a python function in between?); and implement several things I noted in the project's issue page.

All in all, the project goes forward, not at the pace I wanted, but now I have better control on what's going on and this simplifies its development. From now on, releases should be shorter (knock on wood).